Wednesday, February 10, 2016

(Picture) Book Spotlight with Excerpt: The Boy That Grew Teeth in His Ear by Roni Kennedy

The Boy That Grew Teeth in His Ear
by Roni Kennedy

Paperback: 28 pages
Publisher: Idea Creations Press (December 30, 2015)

Kindle Edition
File Size: 12865 KB
Print Length: 28 pages
Publisher: Idea Creations Press (December 29, 2015)
Publication Date: December 29, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

About the book:

Has someone you care about experienced bullying in their life? When Aaron is teased and bullied in his new neighborhood, he feels left out, so he decides to join the crowd of bullies hoping for a better life.
But Aaron soon learns a valuable lesson - about forgiveness and what it takes to be a true friend.

The Boy That Grew Teeth in His Ear, isn't just about bullying, it's about friendship and respect - about being fair and not making fun of others - no matter how different they may appear on the outside.


Once there was a boy whose name was Aaron. He liked to play just like all of the other boys and girls in the neighborhood. They would skate together, eat ice cream together, and even have fun play-time activities together. One day Aaron had to move to a new house because his dad got a new job in a different city. Aaron packed all of his belongings and sadly said goodbye to all of his good friends. 

Some of the boys and girls in this town were not as friendly ...

... Aaron wanted to be liked so much that he would go out of his way to make himself fit in with these boys and girls. One day he even stuck a wad of chewing gum on the teacher's chair and made the whole class laugh. He finally had found a new way of making friends in the town where he now lived.

... One morning when Aaron woke up to start his day, he went to the mirror to fix his hair and look at himself. He noticed something quite different about his face. He was not cool and popular this morning. Aaron was growing a tooth in his ear!

Purchase your copy


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